Contact Us

Whether you you would like to make a booking or ask a question please feel free to contact us,

We can also be contacted by telephone;

Madeline  0413 483 850

Glen 0427 392 610

After hours 07 4939 2611

Physical Address

Capricorn Equestrian Centre, 291 Mt. Wheeler Rd, Cawarral
There is no mail service for this location

Directions from Rockhampton:
Taking the main road into Yeppoon, After the Caltex – second on the right into Mackays Rd, then first on right into Mt. Wheeler Rd, we are 3 km along the road number 291

Directions from Yeppoon:
Taking the main road out to Rockhampton, after the Bondoola Golf Driving range, third on the left into Mackays Rd – which is the turn at the very end of the dual carriage way, then first on right into Mt. Wheeler Rd, we are 3 km along the road number 291.

Please note roads into us via Cawarral are 4WD access only!

Postal Address

Please email if you require a postal address.